The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (the FOI Act) provides members of the public a legally enforceable right of access (subject to certain restrictions) to documents held by government.
The purpose of the FOI Act is to promote openness in government and accountability of Ministers of the Crown and other government agencies and thereby to enhance respect for the law and further the good government of the state; and to facilitate more effective participation by members of the public in the processes involved in the making and administration of laws and policies.
The Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) fully supports the objectives and spirit of the FOI Act.
The FOI Act allows members of the public to:
- request access to documents held by DEM or the Minister
- request the amendment of documents that contain personal information about the applicant which is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.
Learn about:
A comprehensive introduction to FOI is on the State Records website.
Freedom of information statement
The Department for Energy and Mining freedom of information statement is published in accordance with subsection 9 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act) and provides detail on:
- the functions of the department
- the types of information and documents held by the department, and
- how a person can access information held by the department or amend information about them that is incorrect under the FOI Act.
Read the freedom of information statement.
Further detail on the department's structure and functions is in the department's Annual Report.
More information on Freedom of Information and making an application is on the State Records website.