In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (the FOI Act), applications for access to documents held by the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) must:

  • be addressed to either the department or the Minister
  • specify that the application is made under the FOI Act
  • include a $42.00 application fee (exemptions apply for Members of Parliament and pensioners or health card holders)
  • specify an address in Australia to which information can be sent
  • clearly identify the documents being sought and the matter which they pertain
  • specify whether the documents being sought contain information of a personal nature
  • specify the desired type of access to the document.

Access and amendment applications can be made online using the online Freedom of Information application form.

Alternatively, you can download the FOI Request for Access to Documents form, and submit it directly to DEM.

Applications or enquiries regarding access to documents held by DEM should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Officer
Department for Energy and Mining
GPO Box 618
Adelaide SA 5001

Or emailed to:

For documents held by the Minister

Applications or enquiries regarding access to documents held by the Minister should be addressed to:

FOI Officer
Office of the Minister for Energy and Mining
GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA  5001

Or emailed to:

For more information or if you require assistance on how to make a Freedom of Information application visit the State Records of South Australia website or telephone the FOI Officer on (08) 8463 3000.