The Power Line Environment Committee (PLEC) is a committee assisting the Minister responsible for the Electricity Act 1996 in assessing and recommending the undergrounding of overhead power lines.
On this page you can find information on:
Details of the committee
The Committee comprises eight members, with one member representing the interests of each of the following:
- Department of Environment and Heritage (or its equivalent)
- Department for Infrastructure and Transport (or its equivalent)
- Tourism interests
- The Local Government Association of South Australia
- Conservation interests
- Holders of licenses under the Electricity Act which authorise the operation of networks (Network Licensees)
- Two community representatives
The Committee operates under The Charter of the Power Line Environment Committee (PDF, 467.9 KB) assigned by the Minister in August 2000.
The Charter defines the scope of PLEC activities, its composition, financial arrangements, reporting requirements and associated administrative processes.
The Committee exists to assist local government with initiatives to enhance the aesthetics of a location by undergrounding power lines. Undergrounding can enable trees to be established and streetscaping projects to be completed, improving the appearance of a neighbourhood. The Committee has developed guidelines which define the roles and responsibilities for PLEC projects and provides guidance to the PLEC process.
The Essential Services Commission of SA (ESCOSA) was previously responsible for the administration of PLEC. Since January 2022, the administration function moved to the Office of the Technical Regulator, Department for Energy and Mining. For all general enquiries contact the PLEC secretariat at:
- Email:
- Phone: 8226 5667
Benefits of undergrounding
The focus of PLEC is to improve the environment of locations by undergrounding unsightly power lines and by assisting local government in achieving such initiatives.
To achieve maximum benefit, it’s recommended other elements of the streetscape are improved while the power lines are being installed underground. This can include improvement to stormwater drainage, paving, trees or other plantings, road resurfacing and possibly realignment. Harmonisation of signage, fascia upgrades of commercial properties and enhancement of heritage elements are also important contributions to the desired outcome.
PLEC encourages Councils to include streetscaping in their proposals for power line undergrounding projects.
The Charter of PLEC defines the purpose of undergrounding as “ improve the aesthetics of an area for the benefit of the general community…” and PLEC will give priority to Councils who include streetscaping in their proposals. PLEC projects to date have focused on tourist areas, historical areas, and areas of commercial activity.
The economic case for streetscaping
On average, the overall cost of undergrounding power lines is in the order of $2,750 to $3,000 per metre of common service trench. The cost of streetscaping varies considerably and is estimated to be in the order of $200 to $1,000 per metre depending on the complexity of works, condition of footpaths (if applicable) and amount of verge area available to use for streetscaping. The average total cost of PLEC projects is about $800,000 of which the cost to councils is around $270,000 per project. Streetscaping may add a further $160,000 to $800,000 to this cost over and above any new kerbing, guttering and reconstruction of the road surface etc. Therefore, streetscaping may add up to between 20% to 100% to the total project cost.
Businesses in streets that have previously had their power lines undergrounded and streetscaping improved have gained significantly from the commercial and community revitalisation brought about by the streetscaping initiative. Examples in urban areas of Adelaide include Magill Road - Burnside / Campbelltown, Prospect Road - Prospect, Military Road - Henley Beach and Jetty Street- Largs Bay, while in the country, the commercial hearts of towns in popular tourist areas such as the Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley, the Copper Triangle, Eyre Peninsula and South Coast have been revitalised.
It is difficult to place an economic value on the commercial and social benefits gained through undergrounding and streetscaping, but businesses that have experienced such initiatives are enthusiastic about the benefits. It may be safely assumed that the ongoing benefit greatly exceeds the cost of streetscaping.
What streetscaping covers
Streetscaping plans can include the planting of new trees and garden beds (including adding to existing plantings), upgrading of pedestrian areas through the paving of footpaths and the installation of coordinated street furniture such as seating, signage (directional and commercial), bicycle racks, rubbish bins, decorative lighting and street art.
Further information can be found in Streetscaping: Gaining the full benefit of undergrounding power lines (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Submitting an application
To submit an application, complete the PLEC funding application form (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Depending on your IT system, you may need to save this PDF file to your device, make your edits then save. If your system doesn’t support PDF digital signatures, you will need to print, sign and scan the document if sending by email - or print, sign and post.
You may need to download a copy of the free Adobe Reader program to open/read PDF forms.
Attach any aerial and site photos or other supporting documentation in the same email or envelope you use to send this application.
Return your completed application via:
Attn: Executive Officer, PLEC
- Attn: Executive Officer
Power Line Environment Committee (PLEC)
GPO Box 320
Adelaide SA 5001
PLEC publications and resources
- Out of sight but not out of mind: The benefits of power line undergrounding in South Australia (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Streetscaping: Gaining the full benefit of undergrounding power lines (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- PLEC Power line undergrounding project guidelines (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- PLEC Charter (PDF, 467.9 KB)
- Process considerations (PDF, 108.5 KB)
Annual reports
The latest PLEC annual report can be found in the Annual Reports section of the DEM website.
Copies of previous reports are also available: