Frequently asked questions about the community battery

Community batteries fit into the renewable energy storage middle ground between small household batteries and big utility scale batteries.

They are typically located within a local community and provide benefits both for that community and for the wider electricity grid.

They store excess energy from the grid when renewable energy is abundant. They then make that energy available at night, during periods of high demand, or when the grid need support.

Community batteries can:

  • lower electricity bills
  • support more households to install rooftop solar
  • allow households who cannot install solar panels to enjoy renewable energy
  • reduce pressure on the electricity grid
  • absorb excess energy that might cause voltage spikes in the electricity grid
  • lower emissions.

The emPowering SA community batteries will be located within perforated steel enclosures with metal roofs.

The front wall of both enclosures will be perforated to incorporate photography with input from the local community.

The enclosure of emPowering Magill will be approximately 6 metres long and 2 metres wide. The roof at its highest point is 2.5 metres high sloping down to 2 metres above ground level.

The enclosure of emPowering Edwardstown will be approximately 6 metres long and 3.5 metres wide. The roof at its highest point is 2.5 metres high sloping down to 2 metres above ground level.

emPowering Magill and emPowering Edwardstown both have a capacity of 150 kilowatts and 405 kilowatt-hours.

emPowering Magill will be located on a portion of Tuku Wirra on Koongarra Court, Magill.

emPowering Edwardstown will be located at Towers Terrace, Edwardstown, near the corner of Dumbarton Avenue.

All equipment inside the enclosures is rated for outdoor installation and operation in Australian conditions.

Notwithstanding, the enclosures will provide extra shade and are designed to allow for ventilation.

All equipment inside the enclosures is typically installed in residential environments with no noise issues. In most cases, noise from the equipment is inaudible at residences with no particular acoustic treatment measures and is limited to the operation of small battery mounted fans.

Notwithstanding, the batteries have been located at reasonable distances from houses to further reduce any potential for noise nuisance.

The energy storage technology of the batteries is certified to the most stringent safety standards for energy storage.

This includes UL1973, IEC 62619 as well as grid connection and inverter standards including IEC 62109, IEC 62116 and AS 4777.2.

No. Similar community batteries have been installed across Australia with no known interference.

Once installed and commissioned there is no regular servicing required and maintenance requirements are minimal and consistent with other electrical infrastructure existing within urban and community settings.

The enclosures and all equipment inside the enclosures will be maintained in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations and warranties.

The batteries are expected to have a 15 year life.

Every household in South Australia will benefit from emPowering SA through the grid stabilisation services they provide. They will also help us increase our use of renewable energy, reduce our emissions and meet our climate change targets.

Also, at least 600 Housing SA tenants in Magill, Edwardstown and surrounds will financially benefit from the batteries.

These tenants will be able to access lower residential electricity rates in South Australia. A typical household benefiting from emPowering SA is expected to save around $562 off their annual electricity bill.

This ensures that emPowering SA enables the benefits of community batteries to be realised by local residents who are currently locked out from accessing renewable energy technologies, and for whom lower energy bills means the most.

Eligible Housing SA tenants will be invited to join emPowering SA later this year.

There is no need for Housing SA tenants to register their interest for emPowering SA.

Tesla and the South Australian government are following a detailed process to identify suitable Housing SA homes to participate. Tenants living in suitable Housing SA homes will receive information from the government to let them know their home has been shortlisted and how to join.

Housing SA tenants shortlisted to benefit from emPowering SA will receive information about how to join the program. This may include:

  • Letter and/or email from the Government of South Australia
  • An invitation from Tesla
  • SMS text sent to their mobile phone
  • Follow up phone call from the Government of South Australia

Shortlisted homes will be contacted in a staged approach. On current estimates, it is expected that households will be contacted by the end of 2024.

The State Government has secured a $1 million grant from the Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water through the Community Batteries for Household Solar program to establish the Magill and Edwardstown community batteries.

The City of Campbelltown have supported emPowering Magill through a 15 year lease on the small portion of Tuku Wirra that the Magill battery is located on.

The City of Marion have supported emPowering Edwardstown through a 15 year lease on the portion of land on Towers Terrace that the Edwardstown battery is located on.

At least 600 Housing SA tenants in Magill, Edwardstown, and surrounds will benefit from the emPowering SA.

These tenants will be able to access lower residential electricity rates in South Australia. A typical household benefiting from emPowering SA is expected to save around $562 off their annual electricity bill.

This ensures that emPowering SA enables the benefits of community batteries to be realised by local residents who are currently locked out from accessing renewable energy technologies, and for whom lower energy bills means the most.

Over its expected 15 year life, emPowering SA will deliver up to $5 million of benefits to Housing SA tenants, and even greater value to our electricity grid.

Knowledge from emPowering SA will also be shared to provide information on the real-world deployment and operation of community batteries for the benefit of future projects by the private sector and community groups.

The batteries will store excess energy from the grid at times when renewable energy is abundant.

They will then make that energy available at night, during periods of high demand, or when the grid needs support.

It is expected that the community batteries will be constructed and operational by the middle of the year.