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- Minister's credit card expenditure
- Chief Executive's credit card expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s credit card expenditure
- Minister's overseas travel expenditure
- Chief Executive's overseas travel expenditure
- DEM employee staff travel expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s overseas travel
- OHPSA employee overseas travel expenditure
- Minister's domestic and regional travel expenditure
- Chief Executive's domestic and regional travel expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s domestic and regional travel expenditure
- Minister's mobile phone expenditure
- Chief Executive's mobile phone expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s mobile phone expenditure
- Minister's ancillary expenditure
- Chief Executive's ancillary expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s ancillary expenditure
- Chief Executive's gift register
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s gift register
- Public interest disclosure
- Diversity and inclusion
- Consumers
- Power usage, savings and efficiency
- Energy contracts, billing and rebates
- Energy grid and supply
- Electrical, gas and plumbing safety
- Solar and batteries
- Electric vehicle subsidy
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- Hydrogen and renewable energy
- Hydrogen and renewable energy regulation
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Communities
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- Hydrogen and renewable energy register
- Guidance documents
- Ministerial determinations
- 20241126-Determination-HRE-Act-Manner-and-Form-Determination-Licence-Form-Section-311a-and-b.pdf
- 20241203-Determination-HRE-Licensing-Manner-and-Form-Determination-Clause-17-Transitional-Licence-Requirements.pdf
- 20241126-Determination-HRE-Act-Manner-and-Form-Determination-Permit-Form-Section-83.pdf
- 20241127-determination-HRE-Act-Manner-and-Form-Determination-Approval-of-SEO-form-Section-6312.pdf
- 20241127-Determination-HRE-Act-Manner-and-Form-Determination-Approval-of-OMP-Section-6713.pdf
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- Leading the green economy
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- Regulatory changes for smarter homes
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- Information for relevant agents
- Voltage ride through
- Remote disconnect and reconnection of electricity generating plants
- Smart meter requirements
- Dynamic Export Limits Requirement
- Tariff structures
- Consultation on Regulatory Changes for Smarter Homes
- South Australian Demand Management Trials Program
- Regulatory changes for smarter homes
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- Off-grid energy
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- Transformational projects
- Hydrogen and renewable energy
- Public consultations
- Current consultations
- Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme 2026-2030
- Controlled load profile and sample meters
- Energy and Mining on the Limestone Coast
- Update of non-drinking water guidelines
- Petroleum and Geothermal (Energy Resources) Act 2023
- Regulations for electricity planning and forecast functions
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Act 2017
- Recent consultations
- The South Australian Copper Strategy refresh
- Small Claims Compensation Scheme
- Proposed removal of SAB2D5 from the Plumbing Code of Australia
- South Australia's National Energy Retail Law Regulations
- Release areas - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism
- Past consultations
- Current consultations
- Investors
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- Home
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- Selected DEM presentations
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- Annual reports
Open government
- Freedom of information
Proactive disclosure
- Minister's credit card expenditure
- Chief Executive's credit card expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s credit card expenditure
- Minister's overseas travel expenditure
- Chief Executive's overseas travel expenditure
- DEM employee staff travel expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s overseas travel
- OHPSA employee overseas travel expenditure
- Minister's domestic and regional travel expenditure
- Chief Executive's domestic and regional travel expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s domestic and regional travel expenditure
- Minister's mobile phone expenditure
- Chief Executive's mobile phone expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s mobile phone expenditure
- Minister's ancillary expenditure
- Chief Executive's ancillary expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s ancillary expenditure
- Chief Executive's gift register
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s gift register
- Public interest disclosure
- Diversity and inclusion
- Power usage, savings and efficiency
- Energy contracts, billing and rebates
- Energy grid and supply
- Electrical, gas and plumbing safety
- Solar and batteries
- Electric vehicle subsidy
- Contacts
- Hydrogen and renewable energy
- Green iron and steel
- Regulatory services
- Energy efficiency and productivity
- Energy resources
- Minerals and mining
- Geological Survey
- Transformational projects
Public consultations
Current consultations
- Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme 2026-2030
- Controlled load profile and sample meters
- Energy and Mining on the Limestone Coast
- Update of non-drinking water guidelines
- Petroleum and Geothermal (Energy Resources) Act 2023
- Regulations for electricity planning and forecast functions
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Act 2017
Recent consultations
- The South Australian Copper Strategy refresh
- Small Claims Compensation Scheme
- Proposed removal of SAB2D5 from the Plumbing Code of Australia
- South Australia's National Energy Retail Law Regulations
- Release areas - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism
- Past consultations
Current consultations
- Investors
- Quick links