Have your say on the Petroleum and Energy ActChanges to South Australia’s energy resources Act provide a ‘one stop shop’ for the rapidly developing renewable hydrogen production sector and strengthen its consultation requirements by including mandatory 30-day public consultations for all new energy resource projects.

The amendments will enable renewable hydrogen to be transported through existing transmission gas pipelines, and ensure that South Australia is an attractive investment environment for hydrogen projects.

The changes will ensure South Australia continues to be a world leader in the rapidly developing renewable hydrogen sector, and provide the regulatory certainty essential to drive national and international investment in South Australia’s resources sector.

The mineral and petroleum sector contributed a record $312 million in royalties in the last financial year and is a driving force behind our state’s economic and jobs growth.

The updates will also strengthen community consultation and participation, and ensure that sustainability is a key focus in how South Australia manages its energy resources into the future.’

The amendments will ensure the hydrogen sector is covered by the same regulatory regime currently provided to the oil and gas industries.

Public consultation on the Draft Bill to amend the Act is now available at yoursay.com.au. The closing date for submissions is 5:00 pm Friday 25 June 2021.

7 June 2021