Retailers with larger residential customer bases are set priority group targets for ensuring activities are delivered to vulnerable customers.

Please note:

Effective 12 August 2024, the Minister for Energy and Mining has issued a Ministerial Notice amending the definition of a priority group household.

This was published in the SA Government Gazette on 1 August 2024 (page 2385). The amended definition is below.

For information on how this change may affect you, contact your obliged retailer or activity provider.

The Minister for Energy and Mining defines a priority group household as residential premises in which a person resides who:

  • holds a Commonwealth Government pensioner concession card; or
  • holds a TPI Gold Repatriation Health Card; or
  • holds a War Widows Gold Repatriation Health Card; or
  • holds a Gold Repatriation Health Card (EDA); or
  • holds a Health Care Card (including a Low-Income Health Care Card); or
  • receives the South Australian government energy bill concession; or
  • has a residential tenancy agreement with the landlord of the premises and the rent for the premises is $500 or less per week; or
  • is actively participating in an energy retailer hardship program; or
  • is actively participating in an energy retailer’s payment plan (offered and applied as per section 50 of the National Energy Retail Law); or
  • has received a referral from a registered member of the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA).

Registered members of the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA) can use the following form to refer customers to the REPS if they do not meet other priority group criteria.