Petroleum-related and geothermal-related activities in South Australia are governed by the Energy Resources Act 2000 (“the Act”) and its associated Regulations. Under the Act, licencees must submit samples, data and reports acquired or generated under the Act to DEM for archiving and ultimate public release. It is the responsibility of the licencee to submit these samples, data and reports within the mandated timeframes and to ensure that they are accurate, complete, compliant with the Regulations under the Act and in line with industry best practice. DEM will validate all data and reports, and will require licencees to correct any shortfalls. Licencees should retain a backup copy of all digital information submitted to DEM for a period of at least 12 months to mitigate the risk of data corruption during transfer to DEM.
The table below summarises the requirements for the submission of geological and geophysical samples, data and reports. It does not cover the requirements for the submission of well engineering or production data. All reports and data must be provided in a manner and form approved by the Minister and information must be balanced, objective and concise.
Regulation 34 | Geophysical Progress Reports Status reports for all ongoing geophysical activities, including reprocessing | Periodic basis; generally weekly and submitted as soon as practicable after the end of the reporting period. For simplicity, reports for wireline-based geophysical surveys (e.g. a checkshot or VSP) which are acquired as part of a larger logging programme in a well where the drilling rig is still on location should, for simplicity, be included in the broader reporting for the well rather than submitted separately. |
Regulation 35 | Geophysical Operations Reports Post-activity reports on recording, processing and / or reprocessing of geophysical field data (other than wireline data in a well) | Within 12 months of completion of the recording or reprocessing of the data (as appropriate) |
Regulation 36 | Geophysical Interpretation Reports Reports detailing the results of the interpretation of processed or reprocessed geophysical data (other than wireline data in a well) | Within 12 months of completion of the processing or reprocessing of the data (as appropriate) |
Regulation 37 | Geophysical Data (other than wireline data in a well) Data generated by recording or reprocessing of geophysical field data (other than wireline data in a well) | At the same time as the submission of a Geophysical Operations Report |
Regulation 38 | Daily Drilling Reports Daily reports covering the drilling of petroleum and geothermal wells | Daily and within 12 hours of the end of the 24-hour period to which the report relates (or by 10:00 a.m. on the next business day if the deadline falls on a weekend or Public Holiday) |
Regulation 39 | Wireline Log data Acquisition of open-hole or cased-hole logs (incl. checkshots & VSP’s) | Within 2 months of acquisition |
Regulation 40 | Well Completion Reports Final reports covering the drilling of petroleum and geothermal wells | Within 6 months of rig-release |
Regulation 41 | Quarterly Cased-Hole Well Activity Reports Any activity in a cased-hole well | Within 30 days of the end of the quarter in which the activity occurs |
Regulation 42 | Well test analysis reports Tests to determine reservoir pressure, reservoir characteristics or flow characteristics | Within 6 months of completion of the test |
Regulation 43 | Petroleum reservoir fluid analysis reports Analysis of reservoir fluids (including water) | Within 6 months of completion of the sampling |
Regulation 47 | Other technical reports Any other technical report in connection with an activity conducted under the Act | Within 2 months after the report is in a reasonable state of completion or received by the licensee (as the case may be). |
Regulation 48 | Well samples All cuttings and core obtained in a well | Within 6 months of rig release. |
Regulation 49 | Report on analysis of core or cuttings Analysis of cuttings and /or core provided from the Core Library | Within 6 months of removal of the samples from the Core Store |