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Map of location of the Bight Basin in South AustraliaThe Bight Basin is a Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous basin. The information presented here focuses on the Duntroon Sub-basin.

The basin comprises fluvial to paralic sediments of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age, disconformably overlain by nearshore marine to non-marine Late Cretaceous sediments.

Important Note on the Regulatory Regime for Offshore Waters

Prior to 2012, each State and Territory was responsible for petroleum licensing and regulation in their respective offshore waters. However, following the amendment of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 to implement recommendations from the Productivity Commission, responsibility for the licensing and regulation of petroleum-related activities occurring greater than 3 nautical miles from shore (or, technically, from the territorial sea baseline) passed from the various States and Territories to the Commonwealth Government. The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) was created to have responsibility for the day-to-day administration of petroleum & greenhouse gas titles in Commonwealth waters, with Geoscience Australia managing the well and seismic database (NOPIMS) for these areas on their behalf.


Age Late Jurassic - Late Cretaceous
Area in South Australia 57 000 km2 (22 010 sq. miles)
Depth to target zone 2000 - 3700m
Thickness 11 km
Hydrocarbon shows Oil shows Greenly 1 (1993)
First commercial discovery None
Identified reserves Nil
Undiscovered resources (50%) Not determined
Production Nil
Basin type Rift
Depositional setting Non-marine-paralic (Early Cretaceous); fluviodeltaic to marine (Late Cretaceoous)
Reservoirs Non-marine to fluviodeltaic sandstone
Regional structure Faulted tilt blocks, rollover anticlines, flower structure
Seals Non-marine shales
Source rocks Non-marine shale, coaly interbeds
Number of wells 6
Seismic line km
26 785 2D

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