The administration and regulation of offshore petroleum exploration and development titles in Commonwealth waters under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 is controlled by the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA). Details of offshore tenements and tenement holders can be found on NOPTA's National Electronic Approvals Tracking System (NEATS).
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- OHPSA Chief Executive’s credit card expenditure
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- Chief Executive's overseas travel expenditure
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- OHPSA Chief Executive’s overseas travel
- OHPSA employee overseas travel expenditure
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- Chief Executive's domestic and regional travel expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s domestic and regional travel expenditure
- Minister's mobile phone expenditure
- Chief Executive's mobile phone expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s mobile phone expenditure
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- Chief Executive's ancillary expenditure
- OHPSA Chief Executive’s ancillary expenditure
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- OHPSA Chief Executive’s gift register
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Public consultations
Current consultations
- Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme 2026-2030
- Controlled load profile and sample meters
- Energy and Mining on the Limestone Coast
- Update of non-drinking water guidelines
- Petroleum and Geothermal (Energy Resources) Act 2023
- Regulations for electricity planning and forecast functions
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Act 2017
Recent consultations
- The South Australian Copper Strategy refresh
- Small Claims Compensation Scheme
- Proposed removal of SAB2D5 from the Plumbing Code of Australia
- South Australia's National Energy Retail Law Regulations
- Release areas - Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act
- Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism
- Past consultations
Current consultations
- Investors
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