The market
The Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) provides technical and market data that informs the decision-making processes of market participants, new investors, and jurisdictional bodies as they assess opportunities in the National Electricity Market (NEM) over a 10-year outlook period.
State of the energy market is the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) annual report on the energy industry. It covers Australia’s wholesale electricity and gas markets, the transmission and distribution networks, and energy retail markets.
The Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) reports on the adequacy of eastern and south-eastern Australian gas markets to meet and supply the maximum demand and annual consumption of gas.
Integrated System Plan
The Integrated System Plan (ISP) provides an actionable roadmap for eastern Australia’s power system.
South Australian Advisory Function AEMO reports
The South Australian Advisory Functions (SAAF) is a collection of independent reports prepared by AEMO and published for the South Australian jurisdiction under Section 50B of the National Electricity Law. Under these provisions, the South Australian Government may also request AEMO to undertake additional advisory functions for the South Australian Declared Power System.
Energy resources and storage options
The South Australian Fuel and Technology Report (SAFTR) provides an analysis of fuel, resources, and power generation technology in South Australia, to facilitate informed decision-making about South Australia’s energy policies, focusing on availability, maturity, and cost.