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The Roundtable for Energy Resources in South Australia with broad-based industry and community membership was established with a focus on unconventional petroleum in 2010. The Roundtable was formed to enable stakeholder feedback and guidance for the advancement of oil and gas projects in South Australia. The Roundtable meets annually to share information about the latest developments in the upstream natural gas and oil sector in the context of the State’s energy transition, and agree priorities for action. This informs government actions to sustain energy security and jobs while protecting social and natural environments.
The Roundtable for Oil and Gas in South Australia was renamed the Roundtable for Energy Resources in South Australia at the October 2022 meeting to reflect a broader focus on decarbonisation including carbon capture and storage and natural hydrogen. Energy market challenges in transition to emissions reduction, and increased competitiveness and use of renewables are key themes. Both oil and natural gas have critical roles in energy markets for decades to come.
Your feedback or enquiries about the Roundtable for Energy Resources are welcomed.
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Next meeting
The next meeting for the Roundtable for Energy Resources in South Australia is yet to be confirmed. The latest meeting was held on Tuesday 22 October 2024 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Presentations are available for download from the 22 October 2024 meeting.
Membership of the Roundtable
Membership of the Roundtable is free and open to all. If you would like to join the Roundtable, register your interest to DEM.RoundtableOilandGas@sa.gov.au.
The membership of the Roundtable for Energy Resources consists of local and multi-national companies, peak representative bodies for industry and environment, agencies from Australian States and Territories, Federal Governments and research institutions, along with several individuals.
Download a complete list of the current Roundtable Company members (PDF 519.5 KB)