The collection and preservation of reference material is a valuable resource for exploration and research for the benefit of our state.

Mineral and petroleum exploration companies in South Australia are required by legislation to provide representative samples of any drill core and geological samples generated during tenure to the Department for Energy and Mining.

Mineral samples

Mineral sample submissions are evaluated by the department for their economic and scientific value, and key samples are selected for storage at the South Australia Drill Core Library.

Submission information required, sample selection advice, quantities, and labelling are set out in Minerals Regulatory Guidelines MG18 Drill core and geological sample submission.

Sample submission forms are to be emailed to the Core Library Manager to be assessed for retention prior to the delivery of material to the library.

Petroleum samples

Drillhole samples obtained from petroleum exploration in South Australia must be submitted to the department using the petroleum core and cuttings submission form.

Contact the Core Library Manager to make arrangements for sample submission and to submit forms.

Contact information

5 Tonsley Boulevard
Clovelly Park SA 5042

+61 8 8379 9574

GPO Box 618
Adelaide SA 5001