
The November event to explore the role of reducing the risk through geoscience and innovation.

The Geological Survey of South Australia’s (GSSA) Discovery Day 2020 will take place on 26 November 2020.

Discovery Day will deliver data and geoscientific knowledge from the GSSA, but like so many other events this year, Discovery Day will be delivered a little differently.

Physical distancing measures mean that we are limited to 150 people attending the event in person at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

To make sure no one misses out on hearing, firsthand, the great presentations and learnings available from the GSSA, those who are unable to secure a place in person will be able to watch the entire program via a live stream.

The event will be set up so that everyone, in person and online, will be able to ask questions and interact with speakers.

Discovery Day 2020 will also be shorter. Live sessions will run from 8:45 am until 12 noon, but there will also be a series of on-demand presentations to expand your experience.

The live program will cover projects like the Accelerated Discovery Initiative, and ExploreSA: The Gawler Challenge as well as new research by the GSSA on lithospheric controls on mineralisation and a progress report on the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative program in the Delamerian Orogen.

Field trip

A field trip at the Hallett Cove Geological Trail on 25 November from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm will showcase 600 million years of geological history. This world-famous geological monument preserves Neoproterozoic sediments of the Adelaide Geosyncline folded during the Cambro-Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny, as well as evidence of glaciation during the Permian Period. Booking is limited to 30 people.

Hallett Cove Geological Trail.

Hallett Cove Geological Trail. (Photo 416048)

More information

Register here for Discovery Day 2020 and Field Trip
Note: If you wish to attend the in-person program you must register. Anyone not pre-registered will not be allowed to enter.

– Anthony Reid and Louise Baida, October 2020

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