
New tailings policy published.

Tailings policy coverA tailings regulation and standards policy for activities under the Mining Act 1971 was released in March. Developed by the Department for Energy and Mining, it involved significant global and national review, with input from leading tailings experts.

Tailings are the mineral waste remaining after the processing of ore to extract mineral concentrates. A tailings storage facility is a structure made up of one or more engineered dams, where the mineral waste and water from processing mineral ore are stored. The major risks posed by tailings dams is leakage from, or breach of, the engineered containment structure. Significant failures of these facilities overseas has heightened global interest on management standards and subsequently led to advances in leading practice.

Mine operators are required to demonstrate an ability to effectively manage tailings and tailings storage facilities and their inherent risks as part of the comprehensive permitting approvals process that allows mines to operate in South Australia. Facilities are designed, operated, audited and monitored to ensure these and other risks remain negligible.

The new policy aims to keep South Australia at the forefront of leading practice internationally. This risk-based framework applies to the full life cycle of tailings generation and management activities.

Download the policy (PDF 236 kB)

Read more on the department website

– Alisha Green, April 2021

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