Decarbonising the steel industry will have a significant impact on international ambitions for tackling climate change.

South Australia aims to be at the centre of solutions to global decarbonised steel-making, using our natural advantages in renewable energy and mineral resource. We have abundant magnetite resources, extensive renewable energy and significant investment in hydrogen production and water.

Green iron and steel strategy

South Australia's Green iron and steel strategy - a part of the government's State Prosperity Project - sets our vision to position South Australia as the partner of choice for decarbonised steelmaking. We will be a key contributor of the minerals, green iron and green steel required to support the global transition.

The strategy's objectives are to:

  • Enhance South Australia's comparative advantage
  • Establish local green steel industry foundations
  • Ensure a sustainable, long-term industry and shared prosperity

Read more about South Australia's Green iron and steel strategy (PDF, 17.0 MB)

Green iron opportunity - Expression of Interest

As part of the strategy, the government is seeking involvement from businesses to jointly investigate and invest in building a green supply chain, making green iron production a reality.

An Expression of Interest process is now in progress. EOI submissions  are due 1 October 2024.

Read more about South Australia's Green iron opportunity (PDF, 13.5 MB)

Green Iron Industry Forum

The Green Iron Industry Forum, held on 20 June 2024, provided industry with information about how the green iron opportunity and expression of interest process will work, with opportunities to provide feedback and outline the most significant opportunities and barriers to developing a green iron industry.

Connect to the Industry listening forum

If your business wants to continue the dialogue with government about green iron opportunities please register to continue the conversation via the Industry listening forum:

Green Iron Supply Chain study

A collaboration between Europe’s largest seaport authority, the Port of Rotterdam, and Monash University shows South Australian green iron has a 21% advantage when compared with shipping its raw components to Europe.

The study points to South Australia’s superior magnetite, established electricity networks and ports, its ‘one-window-to-government’ regulatory framework for energy, hydrogen and mineral resource investments, and the proximity of existing infrastructure to magnetite and hydrogen sources.

Monash University Modelling

Port of Rotterdam case study applying the Monash modelling to Europe

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