In 2021, the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) progressed a body of work to introduce local demand response (DR) capability requirements for a number of appliances in South Australia, including electric vehicles (EVs) and air conditioners (ACs).
To introduce these requirements, changes were made to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to include regulation 58A (Designated electrical equipment must comply with demand response capability requirements).
In July 2021, DEM contracted George Wilkenfeld and Associates with Auseng Pty Ltd to evaluate international standards for EV chargers that provide equivalent DR capabilities to AS/NZS 4755, and to provide a report on their findings.
View the report: Evaluating international standards for electric vehicle chargers, December 2021 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
The report recommends that the Technical Regulator Guideline should require EV supply equipment (EVSE) meet either of the following standards: OCPP1.6 V2 or ANSI/CTA 2045-B. These standards were found to be the most suitable for immediate adoption based on an evaluation against a range of criteria, including maturity, market adoption and equivalence to the DR capability within the AS/NZS 4755 framework. The standards are also open and non-proprietary.
The consultant’s evaluation found that 30 of 47 EVSE models investigated would currently meet OCPP1.6 V2 or ANSI/CTA 2045-B.
Technical Regulator guideline
With such a high level of existing complying models already in the market, the Technical Regulator Guideline - Technical Standard for Installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) (PDF, 597.6 KB) will commence on 1 July 2024.
The Technical Regulator Guideline also includes a ‘deemed to comply’ option for EVSE that do not meet OCPP1.6 V2 or ANSI/CTA 2045-B. This option will enable suppliers to demonstrate to the Technical Regulator that the EVSE has been tested and meets a set of DR criteria.
Registered compliant EVSE
The EVSE Registered equipment compliance list (PDF, 427.2 KB) details equipment approved and registered with the Technical Regulator.
If you would like a copy of the list in an alternative format, please contact to discuss.
Registering a product
A supplier of EVSE wishing to register a product with the Technical Regulator should complete Form A: Declaration of compliance and email the completed form to
Download and complete the declaration of compliance: Form A: Declaration of compliance (DOCX, 2.2 MB)
The Technical Regulator reserves the right to:
- Seek further information regarding an application for registration, whether from the applicant or other sources
- Request further evidence that a product meets the requirements
- Commission independent testing (see Section 9) to verify that a product meets the requirements (this could include physical testing of the EVSE or EVSDE with an actual EV or EV analogue)
- Remove a product from the register if the Technical Regulator forms the view that the information supplied with the application for registration was incorrect, or that the product no longer complies with the requirements, or the registrant voluntarily requests removal.
In March 2024, DEM hosted a EVSE standards webinar discussing the new demand response requirements for EV chargers. This webinar covered a range of topics including:
- What are the incoming changes to EVSE standards?
- Who do these standards apply to?
- Why are these standards being introduced?
- Scope and requirements of the standards
- EVSE and EVSDE devices compliance registrations
- Audience Q&A.
A copy of the EVSE webinar slides (PDF, 925.3 KB) is also available.