Approved forms need to be completed for registration of a mineral claim, lease and licence applications and some other activities associated with a claim, lease, licence or private mine.

Most forms can be completed and lodged as either:

  • an iApply form to be completed online for direct lodgement and payment through this website or the SARIG portal
  • a PDF file that can be downloaded, printed and manually completed
  • a MS Word document that can be completed electronically but must be printed and signed before lodging and serving.

Updated and new instructions are available in the South Australian Government Gazette:

If you require any assistance in using the templates or completing and submitting forms contact the Mineral Tenements Program at

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Lodgement of forms under the Mining Act

Where possible, completed forms and templates should be lodged online. Original documents must be retained and may be requested by the Mining Registrar.

Attention: Mining Registrar 

The Mining Registrar
Department for Energy and Mining
GPO Box 618
Adelaide SA 5001

Courier/Hand delivery
The Mining Registrar
Department for Energy and Mining
Level 4, 11 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000

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  • Apply to register a mineral claim that you have pegged.

    This form is being updated. Contact prior to lodging your application.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Apply to surrender an existing mineral claim.

    This form is available in the following formats:

    Completed forms are to be emailed to

  • Apply for a mining lease over all or part of an exploration licence, mineral claim or retention lease.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Apply for a retention lease over all or part of an exploration licence or mineral claim.

    This form is available in the following formats:

    Please note that fees are payable for this application.

  • Lodge an application to transfer a mineral tenement (including a private mine) or an interest in a mineral tenement.

    An online (iApply) form can be accessed through the link below and is the preferred method for the receipt of applications. The department continues to review this form to reflect changes to the Mining Act 1971 and new requirements for submitting an application to deal with a mineral tenement. While this review continues, applicants will need to complete a PDF or word version of the Form 13 and attach it to their online application.

    Information about these new requirements and this process can be found in the application to transfer a mineral tenement information sheet:

    Note: Fees are payable on application

    For further information and assistance contact

    This form is available in the following formats:

    There is currently no form for an application to sub-lease or assign an interest in a mineral tenement or to hold a tenement subject to a trust. These applications should be submitted in writing to

    A change of an interest in private mine may result in a 'Relevant event' pursuant to section 17AB of the Mining Act 1971. Where that occurs, Form 33 must also be completed.

  • Apply to surrender all of one or more tenements, or part of one or more tenements.

    This form has been updated to reflect additional requirements resulting from changes to the Mining Act 1971. Further information about these requirements and the surrender process can be found in the application to surrender a mineral tenement information sheet:

    This form is available in the following formats:

    For further information and assistance contact

  • Apply to renew one or more active tenements before the date of expiry.

    An online (iApply) form can be accessed through the link below and is the preferred method for the receipt of applications. The department continues to review this form to reflect changes to the Mining Act 1971 and new requirements for submitting an application to renew a lease or licence.

    Information about these new requirements and this process can be found in the application to renew a mineral tenement information sheet:

    Note: fees are payable on application.

    For further information and assistance contact

    This form is being updated. Contact prior to lodging your application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

    For exploration licences use Form 29

  • Appoint or cease the appointment of a person other than a tenement holder to carry out authorised operations on a mineral tenement.

    Registration of Operator (Appointment)

    Please send an email to which includes the following:

    A letter from the tenement holder to the Mining Registrar requesting, pursuant to section 15AA(3) of the Mining Act 1971, the registration on the Mining Register of an appointment of a person to carry out “Authorised Operations” on behalf of the tenement holder/s on a mineral tenement/s and state:

    • the mineral tenement(s) the appointment is to be registered against;
    • state the date of commencement of appointment of the operator;
    • provide a brief description of the operations the operator is appointed to undertake on the tenement(s)
    • the full name(s) (including Australian Company Number (‘ACN’)), business address(es) and email address(es) of the tenement holder(s);
    • the full name(s) (including ACN), business address(es) and email address(es) of the operator; and
    • The signatures of those authorised to sign on behalf of  BOTH the tenement holder and operator (not by a parent company).

    In order for documents to be duly signed by a corporation, they need to either be:

    • Signed in accordance with s.127 of the Corporations Act, i.e., by 2 directors of the company; or a director and the company secretary; or for a company with a sole director who is also the sole secretary—that director, or by an individual acting with the company's authority and on its’ behalf, as approved by a resolution of the board.

    The request must be accompanied by payment of the applicable fee.

    To pay by credit card, please call DEM Tenements P: 08 8463 3103. To pay by EFT, please pay to: ANZ Bank BSB 015-101 / Account No.# 83853103. Account Name: Department for Energy and Mining [Ref: please include ‘Tenement Holder Name’, ‘Tenement Number’, ‘Purpose – Agent Appointment’].

  • Apply for a miscellaneous purposes licence relating to ancillary operations to support mining operations.

    This form is being updated. Contact prior to lodging your application.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Registration of Agent

    Please send an email to which includes the following:

    A letter from the tenement holder to the Mining Registrar requesting, pursuant to section 15AA(2) of the Mining Act 1971, the registration on the Mining Register of an agent appointment and state:

    • the mineral tenement(s) the appointment is to be registered against;
    • the full name(s) (including Australian Company Number (‘ACN’)), business address(es) and email address(es) of the tenement holder(s);
    • the full name(s) (including ACN), business address(es) and email address(es) of the agent; and
    • the scope of the agent appointment (for example, exclude sections of the Mining Act such as surrender, transfer etc) OR specify specific statutory functions for which the agent can act on behalf of the tenement holder.
    • The signatures of those authorised to sign on behalf of  BOTH the tenement holder and agent (not by a parent company).

    In order for documents to be duly signed by a corporation, they need to either be:

    • Signed in accordance with s.127 of the Corporations Act, i.e., by 2 directors of the company; or a director and the company secretary; or for a company with a sole director who is also the sole secretary—that director, or by an individual acting with the company's authority and on its’ behalf, as approved by a resolution of the board.
    • The request must be accompanied by payment of the applicable fee.

    To pay by credit card, please call DEM Tenements P: 08 8463 3103. To pay by EFT, please pay to: ANZ Bank BSB 015-101 / Account No.# 83853103. Account Name: Department for Energy and Mining [Ref: please include ‘Tenement Holder Name’, ‘Tenement Number’, ‘Purpose – Agent Appointment’].

  • Make an application for the registration of any agreement, memorandum, arrangement, instrument or other document or dealing related to a mineral tenement.

    This form is under development. Contact for further information

  • Advise an owner of land of an intention to enter their land, under section 58A of the Act to prospect or undertake low impact operations on an exploration licence or a mineral claim.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Advise an owner of land of an intention to enter their land, under section 58A of the Act to undertake advanced exploration operations.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Advise an owner of land of an intention to enter land to carry out authorised operations on the land if an application is granted.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Notify the Mining Registrar of a land access agreement with an owner of land.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Request an owner of land who has the benefit of an exemption under section 9 of the Act enter into an agreement to allow exploration and/or mining operations on the land.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Advise a tenement holder of the owner's position in relation to a waiver of the benefit of exemption conditions (if any) on which the owner may agree to waive the benefit.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Notify the Mining Registrar an agreement under section 9 of the Act, that is an agreement to waive the benefit of an exemption in relation to exempt land exists.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • A caveat can be lodged by the tenement holder, or the person claiming an interest in the tenement. It can be lodged over a tenement holder's proprietary interest in a tenement which may be expressed as a percentage interest or a share and will only operate to affect that interest.

    Contact for instructions in relation to the lapse of the registration of a caveat.

    Applications to register caveats can be made online

    Form 24 online version

  • A mineral tenement, or an interest or share in a mineral tenement (including a share expressed as a percentage), may be mortgaged as security in the form of any charge.

    Contact for instructions in relation to the registration of a discharge or a mortgage.

    Form 25 online version

  • A tenement holder must submit mining return information every six months. This is posted to the holder (or a nominated agent) each June and December.

    Form 26 online version

  • Advise Native Title parties of an intention to seek a Native Title mining agreement under Part 9B of the Act.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Notify the Minister that another party is authorised to carry out mining operations at a private mine and is to assume liability for the payment of royalty.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Apply for a new exploration licence.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Apply for a published exploration release area (ERA) within the allocated application timeframe.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Apply to renew an EL in existence or applied for prior to 01/01/2021 that is at the end of its 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year.

    Form 29ELR-2020 online version

  • Apply to renew an EL in existence or applied for prior to 01/01/2021 which is at the end of its 5th year (i.e. formerly a subsequent licence application), or for an EL applied for and granted on or after 01/01/2021 which is at the end of its current term.

    Please note fees are payable on application.

    Form 29ELR-2021 online version

  • Lodge an EL Expenditure Return.

    For ELs not within an Amalgamated Expenditure Arrangement (AEA), returns are due no later than 60 days after every even-numbered anniversary of the licence (ie 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th anniversary etc.). An application for deferment or variation of expenditure commitment can also be made through this form (ie where related to the recently completed Expenditure Return period).

    For an active EL in existence prior to 01/01/2021, the first Expenditure Return will be required no later than 60 days after the end of its current term, and cover completed operations and expenditure over the last expenditure commitment period. Thereafter, the return period is 2 years or equivalent to the remainder of the licence term if that term is less than 2 years.

    Form 29EXR online version

  • Lodge an Expenditure Return for a group of ELs covered by an AEA.

    Returns are due no later than 60 days after the end of the AEA return period. An application for deferment or variation of expenditure commitment can also be made through this form (ie where related to the current Expenditure Return period.)

    For AEAs current as at 01/01/2021 the first return period is equivalent to the expenditure commitment period for the AEA. For these, both the 2021 expiries AEA renewal template and Form 29 AEA must be completed.

    These will represent the first Expenditure Return for that AEA.

    Thereafter, Form 29EXR-AEA must be used to submit an AEA Expenditure Return.

  • Apply for variation of an EL or AEA forward period expenditure commitment, or for deferment or variation of expenditure within a commitment period. The application may be made in relation to the overall expenditure commitment figure and/or the minimum new data/on-ground commitment component.

    Form 29EDV online version

  • Apply to amalgamate expenditure commitments for a group of ELs.

    Form 29AEA online version

  • Apply to divide an EL.

    This form is under development.

    Please refer to the relevant section of MG33: Mineral exploration licences (PDF 426 KB) when preparing an application and submit to

  • This form is under development.

    Please refer to the relevant section of MG33: Mineral exploration licences (PDF 426 KB) when preparing an application and submit as a PDF to

  • Give notice that the Director intends to make application under section 73M of the Act.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Make an application to the Minister for a mine to be declared a new mine for the purposes of section 17A of the Act.

    Form 32 PDF version (PDF, 89.6 KB)

  • An extra copy of the Applicant Details page that is already included within the relevant forms above.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Notify the Department of a change in the proprietor of a PM or the right to carry out mining operations at a PM. This notification does not effect a transfer of the PM, it is a notification only under section 17AC of the Act.

    This form is available in the following formats:

  • Annual Activity Summary form

    An Annual Activity Summary must be completed and lodged online using the Annual Activity Summary form:

    Annual Activity Summary form online version

    Airborne Notification form

    A Notification of an airborne survey on a mineral tenement must be completed and lodged online using the following form:

    Airborne Notification form online version

    For more information about these forms, refer to Exploration reporting.

  • PEPR and MOP online submissions

    PEPR and MOP submissions must be made online using the following submission forms:

    Exploration PEPR Submission Form

    Mining Programs Submission Form

    PEPR and MOP submissions no longer require hardcopy versions to be provided. Electronic submissions only are required. Electronic copies can be uploaded to the submission form.

    Payment of the PEPR or MOP fees can be made as part of the submission using credit card (or through EFT for large fees).

    You will be able to track the progress of your PEPR and MOP assessment using an assessment tracker in SARIG.

    Change in Operations application

    Change in Operations applications must be made online using the following submission form:

    Change in Operations Application Form 

    Payment of the application fee can be made as part of the submission using credit card (or through EFT for large fees).

    Fee calculator for PEPR, MOP and Change in operations

    The fee calculator provides a guide to the fees required when submitting a PEPR for exploration or mining, or a mine operations plan (MOP) and for a Change in Operations Application.

    Use the fee calculator

    Contact us

    Mineral Tenements Program

    GPO Box 618
    Adelaide SA 5001


    Phone: +61 8 8463 3103

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