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Number | Title | Description | Updated |
01 | Quarrying and mining (PDF 354 KB) |
This guideline provides an overview of the regulatory framework for mining and describes
| 2023-12-01 |
02a | Preparation of a mining application for metallic and industrial minerals (PDF 1.7 MB) | This guideline assists in the preparation of an application for a mineral tenement for metallic and industrial minerals only. It specifies the information required to ensure compliance with the Mining Act 1971, Mining Regulations 2020, and Terms of Reference 006 Mineral mine lease/licence applications (PDF 583.6 KB). Keywords: Mining regulation | 2020-12-01 |
02b | Preparation of a PEPR for metallic and industrial minerals (PDF 1.7 MB) | Detailed information to assist the tenement holder on how to prepare a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) that meets regulatory requirements. Includes updates to waste rock and tailings storage facilities, format and submission of PEPR documents, assessment of proposed changes to a mining operation, addition regarding SEB in pastoral country, PIRSA Pastoral Unit contact information, and incorporation of change in operations guidance. Keywords: Mining regulation | 2023-08-01 |
03 | Preparing a mining compliance report (DOCX 560 KB) |
This guideline provides advice on preparing a mining compliance report and includes a template for submissions. Mining compliance report submissions must be made using the following online submission form: Online Mining Compliance Submission Form Keywords: Mining regulation | 2021-08-01 |
04 | Land access and engagement (PDF 263 KB) | This guideline outlines requirements for exploration and mining companies on how to apply for exploration licences, under what circumstances they can enter land to explore for minerals, what exploration and mining involves, and the required rehabilitation activities. Keywords: Community engagement | 2023-09-01 |
06 | Quarry programs for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPRs) (PDF 863 KB) |
These guidelines assist with the preparation of a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) for surface quarrying operations and specify the minimum information required to ensure compliance with the Mining Act 1971, Mining Regulations 2020, and Terms of Reference 002 Extractive mineral quarry PEPRs (PDF 444 KB). Keywords: Quarrying Checklist | 2021-12-01 |
12 | Mine operations plans (MOPs) (PDF 1.7 MB) |
These guidelines only apply to operations authorised under a private mine. Detailed information is provided on how to prepare a MOP and the ongoing statutory requirements for mining compliance reports under regulation 77 of the Mining Regulations and Terms of Reference 009 Mining compliance reports (PDF 561 KB). Keywords: Mining operations Checklist | 2021-12-01 |
13 | Mineral exploration reporting (PDF 1.0 MB) | These guidelines assist in the preparation and submission of statutory reports and samples for mineral exploration licenses, and to ensure integrity of data and compliance with the department's policies. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2023-07-01 |
16 | Guide for a significant environmental benefit for the clearance of native vegetation associated with the minerals and petroleum industry (PDF 2.3 MB) | This guide provides operators with an understanding of the process for obtaining approval to clear native vegetation and the significant environmental benefit requirements under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and Native Vegetation Regulations 2017. Keywords: Technical guidelines | 2017-08-01 |
18 | Drill core and geological sample submission (PDF 1.2 MB) | A condition of the approval given for proposed drilling for minerals in South Australia is that tenement holders provide the department with geological samples obtained during the course of operations. These guidelines provide advice on sample selection, required quantities and labelling. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2023-09-01 |
19 | Guidelines for data entry and reporting of landscape function analysis (PDF 1.9 MB) | Landscape function analysis (LFA) is a monitoring tool to qualify landscape sustainability. Mining lease operators can use the tool when developing a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) or a mine rehabilitation monitoring program. This document introduces the concept of LFA and provides easy-to-use instructions for LFA in mine rehabilitation monitoring programs, including how to report LFA. It is designed to be used in conjunction with its companion volume, MG21 Field guide for landscape function analysis for the purpose of environmental monitoring and assessment (PDF 16.3 MB). Keywords: Technical guidelines | 2013-08-01 |
20 | Radioactive core storage and handling: standard operating procedure (PDF 4.0 MB) | By its nature, some drill core contains radioactive material. This document provides practical guidelines for staff and visitors of the South Australia Drill Core Library in the storage and handling of radioactive drill core. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2016-02-01 |
21 | Field guide for landscape function analysis for the purpose of environmental monitoring and assessment (PDF 16.3 MB) | Landscape function analysis (LFA) is a monitoring tool to qualify landscape sustainability. Mining lease operators can use the tool when developing a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) or a mine rehabilitation monitoring program. This document provides a step-by-step guide in how to conduct an LFA. It is designed to be used in conjunction with its companion volume, MG19 Guidelines for data entry and reporting of landscape function analysis (PDF 1.9 MB). Keywords: Technical guidelines | 2013-08-01 |
22 | Mineral exploration PEPRs and compliance (PDF 4.6 MB) | This guide assists tenement holders conducting mineral exploration to correctly prepare a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) for submission and approval under the Mining Act 1971 and Mining Regulations 2020. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2022-07-01 |
23 | Mining proposals and PEPRs for quarries with defined impacts (PDF 2.1 MB) | This guide helps small-scale quarry applicants prepare a mining proposal (MP) and program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR). Keywords: Quarrying | 2021-09-01 |
24 | Establishing and registering a mineral claim in South Australia (PDF 2.6 MB) | A mineral claim is a type of mining tenement and is an important step towards applying for a mineral lease. Establishing and registering a claim requires negotiations regarding land access and other authorisations, agreements and consents before pegging the claim. This guideline sets out how to establish and register a mineral claim and what you can do once it is registered. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2024-04-01 |
25 | Aboriginal engagement, good faith negotiation, and agreement making (PDF 13 MB) | Information on how to commence engagement with native title groups or other traditional owners to facilitate land access for mineral exploration. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2023-10-01 |
27 | Community guide to early and advanced exploration activities in South Australia (PDF 4.9 MB) | This guide provides landowners, land managers, native title and community groups with an overview of mineral exploration in South Australia and outlines approvals required for land access and exploration, native title, Aboriginal heritage and protected areas. Keywords: Community engagement | 2020-03-01 |
30 | Development of environmental outcomes for quarrying and mining (PDF 1.1 MB) | This guideline provides regulator-approved environmental outcome wording, improved understanding of expectations regarding appropriate environmental outcomes, and explains the regulatory and policy principles that apply to the setting of environmental outcomes. Keywords: Technical guidelines | 2020-04-01 |
31 | Engagement, negotiating and agreement-making (PDF 245 KB) | This guide supports explorers and miners, landowners and the community with information on building good working relationships and provides general guidance relating to resource exploration and mining projects including quarries. Keywords: Community engagement | 2023-11-01 |
32 | Opal prospecting and mining (PDF 16 MB) | Information on precious stones fields, how to obtain a precious stones prospecting permit, and the requirements to prospect and mine for opal both within and outside a precious stones field. Keywords: Mining operations | 2022-05-01 |
33 | Mineral exploration licenses (PDF 487 KB) | This guideline explains regulations in relation to exploration licensing. It includes explanations on exploration expenditure policy and dealings on an EL. Keywords: Mining operations | 2024-02-28 |
34 | Preparing a community engagement plan (PDF 276 KB) | This guideline aims to help mining companies prepare their community engagement plan, offering practical steps for preparation and tools to facilitate the process. For local communities, it offers an overview of the department’s expectations for how companies should be undertaking community engagement. Keywords: Community engagement | 2023-07-01 |
35 | Applying for a change in operations (PDF 243 KB) |
Information on how to apply for a change to quarries and mines with an existing mining lease or license under the Mining Act. Contains a template for self-assessing proposed changes to determine the correct application pathway (PEPR review or Change in Operations) and indicates required supporting
evidence. Keywords: Mining regulation Change in operations self-assessment tool (XLSX, 67.5 KB) | 2023-08-01 |
38 | New quarry applications (PDF 7.3 MB) | This guideline assists the applicant to prepare an extractive minerals tenement application that contains the necessary content and detail to be compliant with the Mining Act 1971, Mining Regulations 2020, and Terms of Reference 003 Extractive mineral quarry lease/licence applications (TOR 003). Keywords: Quarrying | 2021-11-01 |
39 | Groundwater assessment using SARIG (PDF 19 MB) | These guidelines provide instructions for use of the SARIG mapping portal to locate, identify and process groundwater data for a mining proposal and program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR). Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2023-07-01 |
40 | Aboriginal culture learning framework (PDF 255 KB) | This document discusses the practical application of cultural awareness and cultural competency to facilitate meaningful engagement with native title groups, Aboriginal land holding organisations, and other traditional owner organisations. Keywords: Community engagement | 2023-09-01 |
41 | Leading practice engagement (PDF 325 KB) | This guide aims to help exploration and mining companies undertake good practice stakeholder engagement, through building respectful relationships with communities, landowners, government agencies, councils, and other interested parties when they plan for and then undertake exploration and mining activities. Keywords: Community engagement | 2023-09-01 |
42 | Air quality assessment and monitoring (PDF 250 KB) | This guideline assists tenement holders to undertake assessment of air quality on a mine site to protect impacted communities from impurities caused by the operation. It sets out expectations for industry to perform consistent and compliant air quality assessment and management. Keywords: Technical guidelines | 2024-08-01 |
44 | Leading practice for undergoing scoping (PDF 209 KB) | This guideline outlines the processes for scoping and details how to prepare a scoping report. Scoping is the preliminary evaluation of all stages of a proposed mining operation, from development to closure and completion. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2023-11-01 |
45 | An introduction to social impact assessment (PDF 1.2 MB) | This guide is designed to assist companies to plan for exploration and mining activities that maximise their contribution to the people of South Australia and minimise potential impact for communities where projects develop and operate. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2024-03-26 |
46 | Assessment and management of acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) (PDF 3.1 MB) | Information for completing an environmental impact assessment with respect to the assessment and management of acid and metalliferous drainage (AMD) to meet regulatory requirements. Keywords: Early exploration activities | 2024-03-27 |