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An application for a mining lease is made pursuant to Section 53(2) of the Mining Act 1971 (the 'Act').

Applicant: Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd
Application: Miscellaneous purposes licence (MPL)
Purpose: Ancillary operations of the Victor Harbor quarry, including but not limited to settling pits, quarry office and weighbridge, silt dams, haul road, crushing and screening plan, diesel tank and stockpiles.
Reference: T03014
Location: Section 656, Hundred of Encounter Bay

10.48 hectares approximately

Document for public comment:

In support of the MPL application, Holcim submitted the following MPL management plan

Under Section 53 of the Mining Act 1971 the Minister must invite members of the public to make written submissions in relation to the application for a miscellaneous purposes licence. The Minister must have regard for the public submissions when assessing the MPL application. The statutory public consultation period commenced 7 January 2016 with a closing date of 28 January 2016. During this time a total of eight public submissions, including one confidential submission, were received by the South Australian Government Mineral Resources Division.

Following the period of statutory public consultation Holcim requested the application be put on hold while they determined whether an MPL is required or whether another form of development approval would be appropriate. On 20 June 2018 Holcim informed the South Australian Government Mineral Resources Division they intended to pursue the MPL application.

Holcim were requested on 12 July 2018 to review and respond to all submissions received.

Holcim submitted a response document on 28 May 2020, addressing the representations made in the eight public submissions, and matters raised by the South Australian Government.

Current status of application: The Department is assessing the application and supporting management plan, having regard to the public submissions received and Holcim's response document.
Contact for more information:

For further enquiries regarding this application, please contact:

Mining Regulation Branch
Department for Energy and Mining


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