The Central Eyre Iron Project (CEIP) is subject to two assessment and three decision-making processes for the mining proposal (MP) and environmental impact statement (EIS).

Mine assessment and decision-making

A mining lease application, including a comprehensive MP has been submitted for assessment under the Mining Act 1971. A decision on this application is made by the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy or his delegate.

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Information on the mining proposal and assessment process:

Infrastructure assessment and decision-making

An environmental impact statement (EIS) for the infrastructure components (including a port, rail line, borefield, power and accommodation village), all of which have been declared a Major Development under s46 of the Development Act 1993, has been submitted for assessment. A decision on this application is made by the South Australian Governor with advice from Cabinet.

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Matters of national environmental significance

Content addressing potential impacts on Southern Right Whales from shipping movements in the Spencer Gulf has been submitted in the EIS for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act). A decision on this component of the application is made by the Commonwealth Minister for Environment or his delegate.

Iron Road referred the actions to be undertaken for the mining and infrastructure components of the CEIP to the Commonwealth Department of the Environment under the EPBC Act.

These referrals were published and public comment was invited ahead of the decision on whether the proposed actions would impact Matters of National Environmental Significance under the EPBC Act and be controlled or not.

The Commonwealth determined that the infrastructure referral was a 'controlled action' and required assessment.

The Matters of National Environmental Significance will be assessed under a bilateral agreement between the South Australian and Commonwealth Governments.

The bilateral agreement allows the South Australian Government to undertake the assessment of the actions controlled under the EPBC Act. The Commonwealth Minister for Environment or his delegate can then rely on this assessment in making his decision on whether to approve the action or not.