Resource Graphite
Company Ausmin Development Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of Renascor Resources Ltd)
Status Approved
Mining operation
  • Open cut graphite mine pit
  • Mineral processing plant and associated supporting infrastructure, including crushing facilities
  • An Integrated Waste Landform (IWL)
  • Topsoil, subsoil and ore stockpiles
  • Access roads including internal plant and mine roads
Location Map of South Australia showing location of the Campoona Graphite ProjectVerran area, eastern Eyre Peninsula, approximately 12 km west of the coastal township of Arno Bay
Tenement information

Mineral lease ML 6495 covering an area of 1611 hectares

Tenement information can be found via the South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)

The deposit Information about the deposit can be found on the Renascor Resources website website and the mining proposal below.
Resource estimates and production estimates

Company released resource estimates and production statistics can be found on Renascor Resources website

Application and approval process

On 28 August 2018 Ausmin submitted a mining proposal (PDF) to support a mining lease application to the Department for Energy and Mining for the Siviour Graphite Project.

On 19 September 2018, the Minister for Energy and Mining published the mining proposal and sought written submissions from members of the public relation to the application. The period for public comment closed on the 18 October 2018.

One public submission was received from Tumby Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc:

The Department for Energy and Mining requested Ausmin provide a response to the public submission and other technical matters raised by government agencies. A copy of the letter can be found here:

Ausmin Development Pty Ltd response document and response supporting documents:

On 5 April 2019, ML 6495 was granted.

Documents and reports 

Program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR) November 2022

Program for environment protection and rehabilitation: Approval letter - November 2022

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