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Quarrying commodities
Quarries produce extractive minerals include sand, gravel, stone, shell or clay when used generally for construction purposes, but excludes these materials if they are used for industrial, agricultural and ornamental (dimension stone) uses. This includes exclusions for some clay (fireclay, bentonite or kaolin).
Applying to quarry
Obtaining approval to mine in South Australia is a two-stage process.
Stage 1
Before mining extractive minerals prospective miners must apply for a mining lease (ML). A ML application consists of the relevant fee, a completed Form 10: Mining lease application, and a mining proposal as per section 35 of the Mining Act 1971.
The mining proposal provides:
- a description of the existing environment
- proposed mining methods
- details of community consultation
- a description of the potential impacts and suggests environmental outcomes to be achieved based on these impacts.
The minimum amount of information required for a mining proposal to be deemed adequate by the Minister is outlined in Terms of reference 003: Extractive mineral quarry lease/licence applications (a notice under section 36 of the Mining Act 1971).
- Relevant fee for a mining lease application
- Form 10: Mining lease application
- Terms of reference 003: Extractive mineral quarry lease/licence applications (PDF 453 KB)
Stage 2
Following grant of a ML applicants must submit a program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR). The minimum amount of information required for a PEPR to be deemed adequate by the Minister is outlined in the Terms of reference 002: Extractive mineral quarry PEPRs.
The grant of a ML only grants mining tenure over the area identified. It does not provide authority to mine.
Defined impact mining proposal (MP) eTool
To apply for a ML for small scale quarry operations with defined impacts using the template, applicants must first determine whether their proposed mining operation is considered eligible against a set of criteria. The criteria are available for completion online on the South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG).
- Defined impact mining proposal (MP) eTool - information about the eligibility criteria
- Access the criteria and templates via SARIG (Mineral Tenements)
Only applicants successful in meeting the eligibility criteria will be able to download the mining proposal template.
Applicants who have used the template and been granted a ML will be able to use the corresponding PEPR template.
Submissions that closely follow the process outlined in the Minerals Regulatory Guideline: MG23 Mining proposals and PEPRs for quarries with defined impacts will result in a streamlined assessment of both the mining proposal and PEPR, enabling mining to commence in a timely fashion.
Note: Mining cannot commence until a PEPR has been approved.
Terms of reference
A terms of reference provides the minimum information that must be submitted for a ML or miscellaneous purposes licence application to be deemed valid for assessment. In accordance with Mining Regulations 30(3) and 49(3), the Minister may publish a notice in the South Australian Government Gazette detailing the manner and form, amount and detail of any information that must be acquired or provided for these applications.
- Terms of reference 002: Extractive mineral quarry PEPRs (PDF 440 KB)
- Terms of reference 003: Extractive mineral quarry lease/licence applications (PDF 453 KB)
Environmental outcomes guideline
A minerals regulatory guideline MG30: Development of environmental outcomes for quarrying and mining has been developed to improve efficiency and clarity for quarrying and mining applicants, and assist proponents and stakeholders by:
- providing regulator-approved environmental outcome wording
- providing a better understanding of government and stakeholder expectations regarding appropriate environmental outcomes, enabling these to be considered at early project planning stages
- ensuring consistency of environmental outcomes
- explaining the regulatory and policy principles that apply to the setting of environmental outcomes.
Download the guideline: