Exploration release areas

Applicants can apply for a corresponding licence within the published timeframe for areas identified for release upon the expiry, full surrender or cancellation of an exploration licence.

Current exploration release areas

Special declared areas

The Minister for Energy and Mining may declare an area of land to be exempt from the operation of certain provisions of the Act, known as a Special Declared Area.

Special declared areas

Exploration licence applications

When considering an exploration licence application lodged prior to 1 January 2021, the Minister for Energy and Mining is required to give notice of a proposal to grant an exploration licence.

For a variety of reasons, there are a number of applications from 2020 and earlier which remain under assessment and which will be advertised if the grant of an exploration licence is proposed.

Current licence applications

Exploration licence applications lodged after 1 January 2021 are not subject to this notification process and will not be advertised on this website.

Approved exploration programs

Exploration Licences (EL) must be operated in accordance with an approved program for environment protection and rehabilitation (PEPR).

Current approved exploration programs