A mineral tenement is a claim, lease or licence under the Mining Act 1971 and also an entitlement with respect to a private mine.

A mineral claim provides an exclusive right to prospect for minerals within the claim area for 12 months, and to apply for a mining lease over all or a portion of the claim.

An exploration licence (EL) is the principal title issued for exploration in South Australia and authorises the licensee, subject to the Mining Act, regulations and conditions of the licence, to explore for all minerals and/or opal other than extractive minerals. An exploration licence also gives the holder the right to apply for a mining lease.

A mining lease must be obtained before any production of minerals can commence. The mining lease gives its holder the exclusive right to conduct mining operations and sell the minerals specified in conditions attached to the lease. Historically, mining leases were split into two categories:

  • an extractive minerals lease (EML) for most construction materials
  • a mineral lease (ML) for other minerals (excluding precious stones - see Opal mining)

Mining leases are now all classified as mining leases, with the terms and conditions of the lease detailing the minerals which can be produced on the tenement.

A private mine is an entitlement which was granted in limited circumstances enabling holders to retain rights minerals at the time the Mining Act was introduced. Only certain parts of the Mining Act apply to private mines.

The Mining Registrar is required by law to keep a register of these mining tenements (see Mining Register).

Current mineral tenements

Information about mineral exploration licence applications, licences, licence holders, exploration release areas and production tenement holders is published in the following information sheets:

South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)

Information about current mineral tenements is also available from the South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG).

Download a preset map showing current mineral tenements

SARIG can also be used to:

  • Identify ground open for exploration licence application
  • Download exploration data and reports
  • Apply online for new exploration licences and renewals
  • Track the processing status of an EL application
  • Download and print state maps (updated daily) including:
    • Mineral exploration tenement applications
    • Mineral exploration licences
    • Mineral exploration release areas
    • Mineral production tenements
    • Land access considerations - eg parks, Aboriginal land, Defence lands

Learn more about the South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)

For more information

Mineral Tenements
Phone: +61 8 8463 3103
Email: DEM.Tenements@sa.gov.au

Maps and historical information are available from:

Customer Services
Phone: +61 8 8463 3000
Email: DEM.CustomerServices@sa.gov.au

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