Department for Energy and Mining

Please select the area relating to your enquiry:

Consumer information

Energy efficiency and productivity

Minerals and mining

Hydrogen and renewable energy

Energy resources

For other enquiries relating to the department or this website, please complete the general enquiries form.


+61 8 8463 3000

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through:

  • National Relay Service (Speak and Listen) call 1300 555 727
  • National Relay Service (TTY users) call 133 677
  • Internet Relay users can connect to the National Relay Service.

If English is not your preferred language, you can contact the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 1800 280 203 and ask to speak with the Department for Energy and Mining.

Complaints and feedback

We understand that mistakes happen despite our best efforts, and we welcome your comments and suggestions about how we could improve our content. More about how to make a complaint or provide feedback.

Media enquiries


Business hours

Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm excluding public holidays


Level 4, 11 Waymouth Street
Adelaide, South Australia

Postal address

GPO Box 618
Adelaide, South Australia 5001

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